IMG_9482The combination of the holidays, the weather, and professional demands are challenging enough for the best of us.   In addition, you may find that personal problems are pushing you dangerously close to your own Coach Yeo meltdown moment.  Let us give credit to the Wild head coach for reminding us that we all have our breaking points (staged or not).  Before you reach yours, consider the options to get a handle on your stress.

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL) provides “free, confidential peer and professional assistance to Minnesota lawyers, judges, law students, and their immediate family members on any issue that causes stress or distress.”  Their services include up to four free counseling sessions through their counseling partner organization DOR & Associates (DOR).  For more hands-on help, a multi-session workshop “Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction” will begin on January 20, 2015.  DOR will also be presenting a stress-management webinar on January 20, with opportunity to “learn to recognize and manage stressful situations, practice relaxation techniques, and understand the benefits of making the mind-body connection.”  These two events are both presented on the front page of the LCL website.


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